
SIRF Roundtables Blog

Jeff Naylor

2019 National Forum and Site Tours

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Ron Moore - Lifetime Achievement Award!

Delighted to hear Ron Moore has been honoured by Terry OHanlon and, with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the industry. 

Structured problem solving addresses the cause and culture

"We've questioned whether we would have come up with the same solution option/s we are now recommending prior to doing this RCA course. Reality is, we wouldn't have. We would have just jumped in and spent a lot of money on the symptom". 

This was what one group said as they were presenting their project at the end of a recent 2 day RCA course in Tasmania. Their project outcome was recommending to spend $10k in order to save $400k. Yes, the numbers are correct!

That was just one of the three projects from the greater group, but the proud looks on their faces said it all. Terrific to have 3 Tassie companies involved, building confidence and capability in structured problem solving.

Upcoming public workshops can be found via the links below;

VicTas, SA, WA, NZ, Qld, NSW

The best thing about SIRF Roundtables

The beauty of SIRF Roundtables as a B2B best practice networking company is that we are industry confidante's and have remained financially independent for 30 years.

Ron Moore downunder March / April 2019

Global expert Ron Moore downunder March/April 2019


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